Friday, December 6, 2019

Innovative practices of the industry for MBA by Invertis University

At invertis Institute of Management Studies, victory is the norm. We foresee the changes and prepare to tackle them beforehand. We understand that being dynamic is the key to success and that is where our updated course curriculum prepare our students to be market ready and take all the challenges of the ever-changing trends of global economy.

In current times of stiff competition in different walks of life, MBA with dual specialization is on high demand. Even in the IT industry, a B.Tech graduate with a full-time post graduate degree in MBA gains competitive advantage over his/her peers having no MBA degree. No surprise that most of the top mba colleges in up including the mba colleges in up offer MBA programs with dual specialization to eligible students. Certainly, there are benefits and advantages of dual specialization in MBA.

No matter wherever the Top Management Colleges in UP  is, pursuing a full-time MBA program with dual specialization in your chosen niche is an informed decision to break the glass ceiling. As the market competition goes up, MBA graduates with multitasking abilities are required to manage diversified profiles with equal competence. Post graduate degree programs in MBA with dual specialization are gradually bridging the demand-supply gap. Addressing the growing market demand to help beat the competition is Invertis University, the top mba colleges in india

Many a top mba institutes in india offers full-time and pass-time MBA courses with dual specialization, like marketing and finance, marketing and branding, marketing and communication, branding and advertising, retailing and merchandising, international business and foreign policy, talent and operations management, which are like double-edged swords. A MBA degree with dual specialization helps tide over professional challenges, by dint of more exposure to and better knowledge of two different yet related domains. The mba institutes in india , including Invertis University in Bareilly have a futuristic vision and mission for today’s students opting for MBA with dual specialization.

Needless to say, students having pursued MBA with dual specialization stand better chances for campus placement than those having a MBA degree with single specialization. That’s why most students vie for the mba in engineering in india or in any Indian state. Dual citizenship means domain knowhow in two fields, which further means that MBA graduates can apply for two job profiles in and outside campus placements. Those who pass out with dual specialization in masters of business administration of the Top MBA College in UP are promised more and better employment opportunities. To be precise, marketing and finance - a dual specialization – plays a significant role in the growth of any business. Hence, a student having the same dual specialization stands better career chances in both marketing and finance.

Also, existing or budding entrepreneurs can benefit from studying MBA with dual specialization at the mba colleges in up. If an aspiring entrepreneur wants to open a consultancy firm in branding and advertising, he/she can make the most of a MBA program with dual specialization in branding and advertising. Evidently, MBA with dual specialization is much better than a double MBA or two MBA programs. The Top Management Colleges in UP, Invertis University, has a unique portfolio of well-designed MBA degree programs with dual specialization.     

 Contact Us

Invertis University
Invertis Village, Delhi Lucknow Highway NH-24,
Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh Pin - 243123
Phone: +91 (0581) 2460442, 2460443, 3390000
Telefax: +91 (0581) 2460454
Toll Free: 1800 274 5252
Whats App: +91-9690 955 599